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When did it change?
Posted by cdillon12
4/30/2007  8:12:00 PM
I'm new to this site and like it very much. I was wondering if someone could tell me when and why the basic step to Hustle changed. I am a dancer from back in the Disco Days and we did Hustle with a coaster step, counting the entire basic 1, 2 and 3. I was out of the dance scene for 26 years and am now back. I was shocked to see how Hustle is now being taught (And 1, 2,3) and wondered if anyone could tell me why it was changed. Thanks for any info!!
Re: When did it change?
Posted by Annie
4/30/2007  8:46:00 PM
I'm not sure when it changed, but in the end it doesn't make much difference, because no matter how you count 3 count hustle, you are not on a consistent downbeat. When in closed position I would feel more comfortable counting +1,2,3,{starting with the coaster step or rock}. But if I started with a two hand hold {like I might with 4 count hustle} I would be more apt to start 1,2,+3. {forward back and step}
Hope this helps.
no subject
Posted by tangotime
6/30/2007  7:03:00 AM
Your reference , I beleive, is to Latin hustle. The change to the " 3 " count, came about in 1980 .

It is a bastardised version of E. Coast swing.-- it became popular with the younger set, primarily because of the speed, and it also gave the chain schools another dance, to market, under the same banner .

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